Posts etiquetados ‘Europa’

Mañana 2 de septiembre (14:00 horas CET) tengo el honor de participar, en representación de la Red de Medios Comunitarios en un panel organizado por  y el CMFE – Community Media Forum Europe , y auspiciado por la UNESCO Chair on Community Media en el que compartiremos experiencias acerca del papel de los medios comunitarios en un mundo post-pandemia.

El coloquio está abierto a todas las personas interesadas a través del enlace que aparece en el cartel. Os esperamos!

Tomorrow, 2nd of September (14:00 CET), I have the honor to participate, on behalf of the Community Media Network, in a panel organized by AMARC Europe and CMFE – Community Media Forum Europe, and hosted by the UNESCO Chair on Community Media, in which we will share experiences about of the role of community media in a post-pandemic world.

The colloquium entitled «Global Dialogues — Episode 8: Community is the Answer: Community Radio in Continental Europe» is open to all interested persons through the link that appears on the poster. We are looking forward to your feedback!